Differentiate Your Brand With Micro Experiences – What Insurance Marketers Must Know

Micro-experiences set a particular digital experience apart from its competition. They are branded moments that differentiate a brand not by their style guide or logo but through their interactions and functionality. Micro-experiences need not be visual all the time. They can be a line of copy, a swipe, or a sound.

Micro-experiences go beyond transactional interactions to build long standing relationships and loyalty with consumers. Insurance marketers should reach out to prospects by keeping the experience authentic and fresh. It goes beyond a mere transaction when customers are touched with brands at an emotional level.

Why Micro-experiences Matter for Your Brand?

Micro-experiences are capable of transforming an insurance customer’s brand experience from functional to memorable. In a world where we swipe our phones endlessly, every little interaction is an opportunity to deepen the relationship with a consumer. Any failure to do so could chip away that interest, and your consumers may be gone for good.

  • Micro touch points like push notifications or swipe may be the only interaction your brand has with your audience.
  • Brandmark is moving away from purely being visual. Brand encounters are not limited to screens anymore. Alexa and Siri stand by that fact.
Ways to Make an Emotional Connect

The online experience is not enough. Micro-experiences can take consumer interaction to the next level.

  1. Create a unique experience

Experiences must be unique to be able to make a meaningful impact. Insurance marketers should look deep enough and develop micro-experiences that can’t be replicated by other brands and are unique to them.

  1. Add elements of personalization

Traditional brands have to revisit their branding strategies because new-age brands have figured out how to stand out of the crowd by adding personalized elements in their services and products.

  1. Engage the senses

Consumer experience can be significantly enhanced by engaging their senses. Everything impacts as they walk into a store, from the product on display to the background music to the comforting smell. Despite eCommerce being on the rise, many consumers visit physical stores merely to experience the ambiance.

Challenges to Take Care of

Branded moments are easy to overlook. Traditional insurance brands struggle enough to keep their primary product attractive, let alone decorating it with details. A good micro-experience has to strike a delicate balance between product-info and brand experience. While your consumers may miss a subtler act, an overplayed version may end up irritating them.

  1. Hunt for the disjoint

Memorable brand experiences happen at the confluence of brand and digital. Therefore, insurance marketers must strive to drop any communication gap between marketing, branding, and product teams.

  1. Copy is king

When your brand’s image is limited to a swipe or a push notification, the message’s tonal voice matters a lot. Quite literally, it defines your brand.

Create a Brand Footprint

Tekno Point has rapidly evolved to become a team of over 100 industry specialists. The learnings over the last decade offer us great insight to empower your insurance brand like never before. Our deep understanding of attitude and technologies helps your brand imbibe micro-experiences, which in turn touches your audience at their very core.

Partner with us and rapidly achieve your marketing transformation goals.

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