Shoud we only worry about customer experience? Let’s look at stakeholder experience too

Traditionally, businesses have been customer focused and so have their digital touch points. Customer Experience has become a buzzword in the last few years and is considered to be a great competitive advantage in the future. Customer Experience being the first beneficiary of digital transformation, the digital assets are optimized to deliver the best experience to the most important stakeholder. But businesses need to be cognizant of the fact that customers are not the only stakeholders

Typical digital transformation journey starts with understanding customer’s real needs and how those needs evolve over a period of time. Businesses have always focused on a singular goal of delighting customers.

But in many industries like Insurance and financial service the traditional channels play a big role and act as a bridge between enterprise and its customers. Also, many industries like online booking, travel, aviation, ecommerce market place, food delivery, service on demand etc. depend on multiple stakeholders to provide a complete offering to the customer.

Insurance and financial services sector depend on brokers and agents that are independent but act on behalf of the company. An online travel and hotel booking company depends on airlines and hotel owners to offer a seamless customer experience. An eCommerce market place depends on sellers, delivery agents and many other vendors. In businesses where there are no agents, distributors and brokers, have many additional stakeholders that have interest in the overall digital journey.

There could be many stakeholder groups whose experience matters equally as customers’.

  • People in the organization, various team members who are inter-dependent and are a part of delivering the experience to the end-users.
  • Administrators and executives that fund and oversee the operations.
  • Ecosystem partners that provide backend services, platforms, products and tools.
  • Ecosystem partners that are increasingly becoming part of the service delivery

Your company needs to realize the importance of their digital experience and the value they bring to the ecosystem that it’s important to focus on the experience it provides to the ecosystem players. Unless you provide a great experience to them, they are not likely to contribute to your digital transformation journey.

When your enterprise recognizes that the customer is not the only stakeholder and they need to cater to the experience of other stakeholders too, you will take the next big step for success in the new digital world.

If you provide a great, unique experience for the stakeholders, building data on them, personalize and contextualize their experience, provide them the ease that they never had before, it can wonderfully optimize the efficiency of your operations. If you fail to address their interests to shape their experience, they will resist the digital transformation.

With Adobe Experience Manager, you can truly integrate all the scattered portals that worked in silos for far too long. You can personalize, customize and improve the user experience. You can build data and intelligence that can not only help improve their digital experience further but also give you actionable insights.

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